His Excellency Chea Sokny, Deputy Secretary-General of the Tonle Sap Authority, inspection to demarcate boundary posts in Zone 3 and to monitor ongoing land use in Zones 2 and 3 of the flooded forest area in Kandieng District, Pursat Province.

His Excellency Chea Sokny, Deputy Secretary-General of the Tonle Sap Authority, Leads a Working Group to Demarcate Boundary Posts in Zone 3 of the Flooded Forest Area in Kandieng District, Pursat Province

On Friday, February 21, 2025, His Excellency Chea Sokny, Deputy Secretary-General of the Tonle Sap Authority, continued to lead a working group of officials from the Secretariat of the Tonle Sap Authority. Collaborating with the Pursat Provincial Administration, the Department of Water Resources and Meteorology, and the Kandieng District Administration, the team conducted an inspection to demarcate boundary posts in Zone 3 and to monitor ongoing land use in Zones 2 and 3 of the flooded forest area in Kandieng District, Pursat Province.

During this occasion, His Excellency, the head of the working group, emphasized the high-level policies and recommendations of the Royal Government of Cambodia, led by Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia. These policies focus on protecting and conserving the flooded forest areas, particularly Zone 3, and preventing further encroachment and exploitation of the flooded forest. He also urged relevant land authorities to strengthen the enforcement of laws and regulations, including Sub-Decree No. 197 ANKr.BK and Sub-Decree No. 83 ANKr.BK.

It should be noted that this on-site inspection and monitoring of dry-season rice farming in Zones 2 and 3 were attended by representatives from the Department of Water Resources and Meteorology, the District Governor, Deputy District Governor, members of the District Council, representatives of the Fisheries Administration, the Office of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, the Office of Land Management, Urban Planning, Construction, and Land Affairs, as well as officials from the three armed forces, commune chiefs, commune council members, village chiefs, and representatives of fishing communities.