Excellency Hell Tony, Secretary General, attended the Open Speech of Training Course

In the morning of July 14, 2016 at the Headquarter of the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (Kbal Thnal) H.E Hell Toney, Secretary General of Tonle Sap Athority, High Representative of Excellecny Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology and Chairman of Tonle Sap Authority, opened the training course on capacity building to strengthen the awareness of relevant laws and Legal documents to water resources management. The training lasted for 2 days and was to: (1). Strengthen awareness among officials of Tonle Sap Authority on legal norms regarding water resource management in both national and regional levels; (2). Share knowledge and experiences in performing the work related to water resource management; and (3). Basic knowledge to analyze and prepare a technical report related to water resource management.​